Thursday, November 25, 2010

It's Hangi Time!!!

On Wednesday 24th of November,Woodend school had a hangi!
There was lots of food,there was:chicken,pork,beef,and a lots of veges like Parsnip,carrots,potato,and kumara!
On the Tuesday 23th November,they dug the hole for the hangi,they dug two holes because we needed extra dirt.
The hangi food was cooked underground.
The hangi was delicious.
By Brooke

It's Hangi Time!!!


It was so awesome on wednesday the 24 of november week seven cause the whole school had a hangi it was so awesome and really yummy we had pumpkin,potato,kumara,carrots, parsnip, and yummy chicken we fed 400 people and still had food left over it was yummy!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mini Olympics

This term we have been creating a country in room 13, 14 and 15. We got to make flags, banners, a haka, tunes and more. We are going to do games like at the real olympics like shot put with water balloons. It has been so fun we don't know the games we are doing this term. We do it every Friday outside it is so fun!!!


On November the 18th 2000, I was born. Just recently it was my birthday. I got a watch, some new shoes, the Aqaumarine movie, chewing gum, 2 pairs of cycling leggings, a Justin Bieber magazine and a cook book. Today is my party. I'm going to areo trampolines. There is a water slide, flying fox and some grass to play on. I invited Sammi, Courtney , Lucy.C, Shiloh, Jess, Claudia, Emily, me, my sister and Bree and Alicia. I cant wait for more prezzies!


Today and any other Friday we have Mini Olympics only for Matai. My country is ICELAND. Our colours are BLUE, GREEN and SILVER. We have an awesome flag. It's a sunset with snow trinkling down. Today we have our first game, ICELAND VS THE GOLD PHANTOMS VS HYPO SQUIRRELS. The game is water balloon shot put. Its 27 degrees C today, so it will be a good day for it. It'll be really awesome and fun.